I decided to chronicle my experience of going from misdiagnosis to living with Ehlers-Danlos Type III, and how it has affected most of my body. I am fortunate that getting a diagnosed led to my 15 year old son being diagnosed early, before he sustained any organic damage.

My hope is that my blog will allow others realize that they are not alone, and it's not "all in their head", it's very real and debilitating! I also hope that my Counseling background will inspire others not to neglect their mental health as EDS can push our limits; seek support!

Friday, July 13, 2012

The $35 haircut and self-care

Two days ago I splurged in a most wonderful way: I got a $35 haircut! I've never spent that much for a haircut, in fact, even a mani-pedi combo is $45, what was I doing? Let me explain the reasons behind this apparent frittering away of money, which is not growing off trees these days. The last time I had a haircut, was 4 months before (give or take) and it was the cheap kind. I would usually not have a problem with this, especially since I usually just get a trim and my bangs re-shaped, except the girl totally butchered my hair! I have curly hair that will do just about anything and this girl knew nothing about how to cut curly hair. So as she pulled and my hair "seemed" to keep stretching every way she pulled she kept cutting. Instead of even layers I ended up with shelves of layers starting at the top of my head...WHAT THE...!!! There was no way to fix it. My only option was to grow it out.

Recently, I went to a friend's wedding and decided to go to the salon to have my hair straightened for the wedding. In the past I would have probably done this myself, but the Ehlers-Danlos won't allow me to hold up my arms long enough to do one piece of hair. The hairstylist, Judy, was having so much fun with my hair she not only straightened it, but even gave me a little bump and styled it. I LOVED what she did! Not only that, the entire experience was wonderful. She noticed the difference in the layers and said she could fix it and get my hair looking pretty. Judy was so wonderful that I had to go back to her. The haircut cost as much as the styling because Judy is a master stylist... it was totally worth it!

This haircut, and the $35 was also an act of Self-care: I was getting something done for me, it was getting done right by someone who cared for her clients and I knew I was going to enjoy the experience. It also needed to get my hair manageable in length and styling before surgery, also and act of self-care. It had been a few weeks but Judy remembered me, she even said that she sees a lot clients, not only in one day but through the weeks, and I stuck in her mind. She said "I'm going to take care of you". I knew these were going to be the best $35 dollars I ever spent!

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